Meal Prep FAQ’s.

Thank you for choosing us to service you!
First, we would like to explain the process.

Each week you will find a menu of what’s being served for your low carb tastes. Above is menu items for week

8-15-2021 (Sunday Deliveries)

Look over the menu decide if you want our 2 per day combo ( mix and match) or our 3 per day meal prep! Head over to our

“Lifestylesessions Merchandise page” by clicking the two lines at the top of the page. Scroll down to your selection. You can purchase either option you choose… Once you have made a purchase! We will reach out to identify any food allergies or special requests. “ we strive” to give the best customer experience so your participation is essential for a great meal prep experience. Please feel free to email us

Or better yet TXT or call us

267-491-6647 ( We love to hear from you)!

We look forward to serving you and being apart of your journey.

Thank you in Advance,

-Chef Jaz